The annual conference for all things OS/2 related, as well as various open source topics will be held this year in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September 8-10. For more details, follow the link below. Lewis Rosenthal, one of the principals of Rosenthal & Rosenthal and Arca Noae, LLC – an OS/2-focused software development house and consultancy – also the Warpstock Treasurer, will again be one of the speakers at this year’s event, as will several others from Arca Noae, to talk about the new release of ArcaOS 5.0, the first OS/2-based distribution in many years. Continue reading »
Warpstock 2016, Orlando, FL – November 4-6

The annual conference for all things OS/2 related, as well as various open source topics will be held this year in Orlando, Florida, USA November 4-6. For more details, follow the link below. Lewis Rosenthal, one of the principals of Rosenthal & Rosenthal and Arca Noae, LLC – an OS/2-focused software development house and consultancy – also the Warpstock Treasurer, will again be one of the speakers at this year’s event, as will several others form Arca Noae, to talk about the much-anticipated OS/2-based Blue Lion release. Continue reading »
Warpstock 2015, Wichita, KS – October 23-25
The annual conference for all things OS/2 and eComStation related, as well as various open source topics will be held this year in Wichita, Kansas, USA October 23-25. For more details, follow the link below. Lewis Rosenthal, one of the principals of Rosenthal & Rosenthal and Arca Noae, LLC – an OS/2-focused software development house and consultancy – also the Warpstock Treasurer, will again be one of the speakers at this year’s event.
<img class="size-medium wp-image-482" src="×300.jpg" alt="Supporting Warpstock Wichita, 2015" width="213" height="300" srcset="×300.jpg 213w, continue reading this.jpg 220w” sizes=”(max-width: 213px) 100vw, 213px” />
Warpstock 2014, St. Louis, MO – October 24-26
The annual North American conference for all things OS/2 and eComStation related, as well as various open source topics will be held this year in St. Louis, MO, October 24-26. For more details, follow the link below. Lewis Rosenthal, the Warpstock Treasurer, will again be one of the speakers at this year’s event.
<img title="Supporting Warpstock St. Louis 2014" src="http://www.warpstock singulair for” alt=”Warpstock St. Louis 2014″ />
Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC supports Warpstock St. Louis 2014