It is often hard to decipher some of these codes which identify various amounts reported on Forms W-2 in boxes 12 and 14. A quick sampling of them (specifically as related to New York State) would be:
414(h) – All non-taxable retirement contributions made to New York State or City retirement systems or to TIAA-CREF. This amount must be reported for State and Local taxes. If there is a minus sign (-) with this amount, State and Local taxes have already been paid.
WCX – Workers’ Compensation excluded amount. This is the amount awarded by NYS Workers’ Compensation Board which is excluded from the gross pay for the current year for a work- related injury.
IRC125 – For City University of New York (CUNY) employees only. This amount includes Dependent Care, Flexible Spending Account, and Non-Taxable Health Insurance and is excludable for Federal income tax, FICA and Medicare taxes. It is not included in Boxes 1, 3 and 5. This amount must be reported for State and Local taxes.
A full listing of these codes (and other interesting W-2 reporting) is available from the Office of the State Comptroller.