Why your financial advisor or estate planner probably isn’t your best bet for a tax preparer

admin : January 12, 2018 12:00 pm : General

Every so often, we have a client who decides to take advantage of so-called “bundled services” (kind of like bundling cable TV with telephone and internet services). Such “bundles” typically are offered by asset managers, financial planners, estate planners and other investment advisors, under the guise of “being part of the service.” But just what is that “service,” anyway? more »

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Why Accountants and Telephones Don’t Get Along

admin : March 18, 2016 2:52 pm : Accounting & Taxation, General, Tax Tips

A recent article in the CPA Practice Advisor cites a study of 2,234 people, conducted by “audio branding specialist” (whatever that means exactly) PH Media Group, which concludes that less than 24% of Americans who contact their accountants via telephone are satisfied with the manner in which their calls are handled. The article goes on to infer that as a result, accounting firms score an F in the area of phone skills this post. more »

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OpenSSL Upgrade – October, 2014

admin : October 17, 2014 12:27 am : General

Upon reading Qualys’ entry regarding SSLv3 and POODLE, we have once again upgraded our web server and hardened its security.. We are currently running the latest available version of OpenSSL (1.0.1j), and have completely disabled the SSLv3 protocol. The net effect of this for visitors is that upon accessing either our client login page or our contact page, anyone still using Internet Explorer 6 will be unable to continue. Frankly, if anyone is still using IE6 in 2014, it really is time to upgrade to something more secure (for that matter, anyone using any Internet Explorer version should switch ASAP).

We again invite you to test our security rating on the well-respected Qualys SSL Labs site.

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Warpstock Corporation 501(c)(3) status approved

admin : July 28, 2014 11:25 am : Accounting & Taxation, General

As Treasurer of Warpstock Corporation, I am truly pleased to be able to announce that Warpstock’s non-profit status has been approved.

The initial filing went in sometime in 2007, though our check was never processed. We then received a letter from the Service some months later, advising us that the application was pending review, and that they would follow up if additional information was needed. At some point after that, I recall another letter, requesting some additional information (nothing serious), then all went silent. Subsequent inquiries were met with no response.

A second filing of the same application similarly met with no response. Finally, in February of 2013, fully 18 months ago, we filed a fresh 1023. This time, our application fee was processed, and we did get a letter acknowledging receipt. A subsequent telephone call to the Service some months later confirmed that the application was indeed in the queue.

Last Friday, I received the notification letter, though it indicates that this was a reinstatement of a previous revocation in May of 2010, under Rev Proc 2014-11, which is the new streamlined process for reinstatement subsequent to an automatic revocation due to non-filing of the Form 990 for three years. However, not only did we never receive a previous approval, we never received a revocation notice, either. There is no sense in arguing the point, however, as all contributions made to Warpstock since May of 2010 are considered fully tax deductible to the extent allowed on each donor’s return.

Clash Of Clans Cheat And Hack Tool

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OpenSSL Upgrade

admin : June 12, 2014 8:26 pm : General

Following <a title="SSL/TLS MITM vulnerability (CVE-2014-0224)" href="http://www.openssl singulair medication.org/news/secadv_20140605.txt” target=”_blank”>OpenSSL’s security advisory concerning several flaws in versions of the popular encryption toolkit prior to 1.0.1h, we have upgraded our web server again. We are currently running the latest available version of OpenSSL to ensure your privacy and security while logged onto our site.

We again invite you to test our security rating on the well-respected Qualys SSL Labs site.

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